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HOW DO I SAVE MONEY? Frugal Living Tips And Tricks

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In general, I have wide fingers when it comes to buying cosmetics, but for everything else I am much more calculating (I do not like this word, but there seems to be no more suitable) and thrifty. I have collected 15 basic tips that I have learned so far and I thought it would be interesting to share them with you. Some may seem extreme, but everyone has priorities in life and decides what they are willing to invest more money for and what to save from. I'm not some kind of economic guru, but for me these tricks work!


We're all overwhelmed with things we don't need. Some old non-working appliance in the attic, clothes that are ours: small, old or no longer like, old textbooks and books that we no longer need. Why are we holding them? We can do so many useful things with them!

I can think of two immediately:

1. donate them

2. Selling them in both versions will make someone else happy, you will clear a place in your wardrobe and in your life and you will be happier.

Separate shopping:

- I would not say that this is an option for everyone, because it takes time, but I do it, so I share it. What does "split shopping" mean: it's an easy way to save money when we do a quick internet survey before heading to stores. Take a look at the promotions and offers, compare prices and choose the most advantageous. Make a list and take action, oranges are 0.95 cents. in store X, so you will take them from there, as well as bread and milk, in store Y on offer meat and potatoes, you will take them from there.

Homemade food:

- it always comes out more profitable for the pocket to eat at home, not to mention how much more useful it is. The trick here is not to exaggerate your capabilities- one tray of rice for 1 person? No, make portions in a certain number of days and set a cooking day so you don't have to throw away food that's money down the drain (on average, Americans throw away $390 a year).

Keep an accurate account:

- organize your finances in a notebook, on a certain day each month write down how much money you have at the moment, if you expect income soon, make a column for bills and unexpected expenses and monitor the movement of your money. If you prefer a modern version of the old notebook, I use the Monefy app, which helps allocate personal finances.

Say stop cigarettes:

- As banal as it sounds to all smokers, do it for yourself, not only your lungs, but also your wallet and a lot of it!


- I do not know when the last time I bought something in its full value, this purpose requires patience, see more here!

Keep the receipts:

- Remember to get your receipt from the store when shopping, so you will keep your finances under control and you will always know exactly how much you spend and have.

Fresh food:

- fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables are always more profitable than semi-finished products, needless to mention how much healthier and tastier they are! A quick tip if you love bananas- in fact, the healthiest bananas are with blackheads on the peel, then they are actually ripe, usually and their price is slightly lower because they have lost their commercial appearance. There is also a solution for overripe bananas, you can make them on banana bread, soon there will be a recipe!

Collective shopping and vouchers:

- It's full of such sites, so I won't go into details. This is an easy way to save money on hairdresser, manicure and SPA, you can also try exotic food or go on vacation with a huge discount.

Save money on plastic bags:

- 3015 will degrade a bag produced today, do you really want to do this to the planet? They need 16 billion liters of oil a day to produce them, why do you need them when there are reusable sweet shopping bags. Try one from flax, not only does it look eco, but it's also very healthy!

Do not go hungry to the market:

- This is the easiest way to save money from unnecessary purchases!

Does television really have to:

- This may seem quite extreme, but do you really need all the 1000 channels you pay for, how many of them do you actually watch? I haven't had a TV for 3 years and I definitely feel better, not only do I have more time, but as strange as it sounds, it has been proven that bad news is better received in the form of text, we still know how the media can manipulate public opinion. Now I look at what I decide, read what I decide and in general I have my own opinion and more free time.

Save money on your tariff plan:

- 1 million minutes, 10 GB of bandwidth and any other offers just for... , unless you are working with this phone you do not really need to pay for services that you do not use. Keep track of how much you talk and choose a tariff plan that really suits your needs, and let your phone not be the main means of communication. Whenever you can meet people in person choose this option, nothing can replace real communication, so you will need the phone only to arrange your meeting. It's also better for your health, talking on the phone long can cause you skin problems because the phone is warming up and it hurts your skin, not to mention how dirty it is in general.

Use that you are a student / student / pensioner to the maximum:

- card for public transport, library, lower ticket prices for theater, cinema, opera, ballet, museums or concerts. These are just a few of the things you can take advantage of if you enter one of the listed groups.

Quick savings on bills:

- The tap tap is dripping (you lose 1 to 2 cubic meters per year), there is no need to tell you that first this is detrimental to the planet, second your money literally goes down the drain. The same applies to electricity, the easiest thing you can do is to disconnect everything from the outlet when not using it. Electrical appliances use energy even when in Standby mode. The other "good deed" is to replace the bulbs with energy-saving ones, but here you need an initial investment, because they are a little more expensive than normal, but their life is longer and you save with them.

I guess you have some savings tricks too, you can share them in the comments! Do you also like this type of posts?

eni belle

Author & Editor

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